Thrift Find: Vintage Fan

It’s back to school time for us! Both kiddos woke up early with huge smiles. Our littlest is off to Kindergarten!
Since our shopping was a bit more special this week, we went “to the city” to buy polo shirts and lunch boxes. Getting out of the mountains is always a treat.
I always need more cashmere and wool to make my pillows and scarves so anytime we are out we squeeze in Goodwill if there is one around. I keep a list of what I’m watching for and on that list was another fan. Being in the mountains, our temps are cool enough not to need air conditioning but we do need that extra bit of help to get the cool air in.
Vintage fans are so much cooler than anything we could have found new in town. And it is a powerful little thing for just $3!
What about you? Any great finds recently?