Thrift Find: Vintage Chalkboard and Rocking Chairs

We drop off our trash and recycling each week at the town drop off site. While we were city-folk in Austin, TX and Denver, CO, it never occurred to us that some people actually have to take their garbage somewhere. Imagine that! And now we are those “some people”. I could write a new version of “City Mouse and the Country Mouse.” The city mouse would be holding his nose during the garbage run. As do we.
At our garbage site, people leave unwanted but useable items in a certain spot and those are up for grabs. Leave what you don’t want, grab what you do. Yesterday during the weekly garbage run, Jeff brought home this vintage chalkboard out of the swap pile. I love that it has a ledge for the chalk.
I leaned it against a window to take a quick photo but it later found a more permanent home.
In the two years we’ve been here, we’ve found several other great finds from the swap pile. These three locally made rocking chairs were also free for the taking!