Southern Christmas Show Craft Booth Design

I am busy busy here with final preparations! This weekend is my last for sewing work. I did all the sewing myself this year with the help of my mother coming last month to get me caught up. Taking time off to get through the early weeks of pregnancy had me a little behind but she quickly got me back on track. Thanks Mom! (I have a blog post planned for next week to show you what products I have for the show this year.)
Today, my mother-in-law flies in. She will be here through the month. Her help last year was essential and I’m so glad she wanted to come again!
I have been busy thinking through the craft booth design and making lists of what will be needed for it. I learned a lot last year. The booth design worked pretty well and I will be making just a few changes to make it function even better. Namely, reducing the bulky items to create more space. It often got so crowded during the busy hours that people who wanted to come view my items simply could not fit. So I will be using the walls more and a smaller table. This will create walking room. I also will have more lighting!
Left side:
The scarves will hang directly on the tent structure. Not knowing what the provided tent was like last year, I didn’t plan for being able to use it for displaying items but I was pleasantly surprised that it has bars running horizontally. I will hang scarves directly from it this year. I will have white curtains all around the tent as a backdrop as the tent just has the top enclosed.
Right side:
On the right side, I’ll hang bags from hangers again. That worked well last year. I will also have some sort of small shelf to hold the smaller items.
A tall, skinny Christmas tree in the corner will have a few pillows under it and it will hold my daughter’s dot garlands and her new tree-shaped ornaments. Like last year, she is raising money to play her favorite (but expensive) sport, soccer. I am proud of how hard she has worked on her products! The new ornaments are turning out very cute!
Back wall:
The same banner I had last year will be used on the back wall. And I ordered new narrow banners to put along the top of each wall. I think the photos will help show the products “in action” so I can have less mannequins taking up space. A shorter table will give us a little more space but still allow extra products to be stored underneath. That’s me behind the table and I’m sure I will look just that way…a little frazzled and disheveled! ha! Being 6 months pregnant, I will probably have to sit more this year. (I hope customers will be forgiving of that!)
All the items need to get hang-tags put on this week and then I’ll shop for things still needed for the display. I also need some clothing items for myself. My belly has outgrown most my fall clothes from last year and my yoga pants and t-shirts probably won’t cut it. ;)
Getting excited for the big show! Come see me!