Musings: Backyard Chickens

Cora’s first 5th grade writing paper was an expository essay (with a bit of persuasion mixed in) titled, “Why our Family should get Chickens.” Let’s just say, she did well. So now we have chickens. Ah. She researched beyond belief, wrote a fine paper, and presented her paper with visual aids. It’s been all talk about chickens the past couple months. Got a question about chickens? She’s your gal. There were some days that I had to ask her to choose another topic to talk about as I was beginning to wear out. But she’s happy now as you can see.
Meet Big Mama:
And the two Polish Hens, Flash and Midnight. Flash is up to no good. I enjoy his cooky-ness, though he’s the type of chicken who would appear in a “there is a chicken chasing me” nightmare.
And finally, the Rhode Island Reds. Bullseye, Beauty, Shy, Goldy and Scar. I’m forgetting one more as the kids tell me there are 6. I only know Scar. He has peck marks on his poor head.
The kids can tell them all apart. Of course.
I had 3 or 4 chickens in mind but somehow we came home with 9. Strange how that worked out. Fun times ahead!