DIY: Racer-back Tank from Button-Down Shirt

A fun little easy project to share. This was in my head for a while and finally came to fruition. A few months ago my husband put a pile of button-down shirts in the “take to goodwill” pile. I pulled them out, thinking they might make a fun re-fashion project. I had seen a bunch of other blogger’s projects using men’s button-down shirts so I thought I’d play around and come up with my own refashion project.
It’s really easy. If you want to try it, hopefully you can follow the diagram below. Sorry…it’s rough. The brown line is the cut line for the front. The orange is the cut line for the back. Once that is done, you’ll cut the sleeves into strips to make your own bias tape. Piece together as needed. I found that one sleeve was almost enough. Attach the bias to all the edges and voile! I sewed the bias around the entire neckline, without leaving an opening at the front center. This makes it a slip over the head style but the rest of the buttons are functional.
As you’ll notice from the diagram, I cut the bottom hem to be longer at the sides in order to have enough fabric to knot.