Custom Designed Pillows Ideas

I enjoy working closely with customers to create a pillow look that perfectly fits their style. I always have a few custom orders in the works and thought I’d share a couple recent ones.
I loved working with this first customer, Lisa. She was so kind and VERY patient while we waited for the perfect teal green to come about. It seems more often then not, the color desired serendipitously turns up within days of a request for it. But this time, the teal kept us waiting!
Lisa had sent a few reference photos which were so helpful in getting to know the look she was after. The photos included the yellow floral print of her furniture, an accent pillow she had just purchased and a ruffly teal throw.
And another lovely lady, Shonda…. I had such fun with her request for pink and brown to match her Pine Cone Hill bedding. Originally, Shonda had purchased a bubble gum pink pillow from my etsy shop and then contacted me about a custom order for a second pillow. We realized that the bubble gum pink wasn’t a good fit with her more coral pink bedding, so we decided on a coral pink solid pillow. The three other pillows added bright yellow greens and ivory to tie in the stripes of her bedskirt. It was a fun project.