Musings: Blueberry picking in the North Carolina mountains

It’s blueberry and blackberry season here in western NC!
We loaded up the car with gallon size zip locks, hats, water and snacks…our goal being to pick enough berries to last us through our winter bowls of oatmeal. The kids eat it just about every day so we go through a lot of berries! And now I’m thinking we should go again to get enough for smoothies as well. yum.
Often, you-pick-em farms aren’t well advertised so if you are in northwestern NC over the next few weeks, let me know if you’d like to know where to go!
Blueberries all lined up in rows like a Christmas tree farm.
Compared to the tiny package at the store….well you do the math. Crazy, eh?
Comparing their loot.
The result? An exhausted family plus 6 gallons of rinsed and bagged blueberries already filling an eighth of our freezer.