Thrift Find: Adirondack Chairs

Two red adirondack chairs for the fire pit! Woot. This was the view when we opened the curtains this morning, so I rushed out to snap a photo. Loving our new red chairs!
I’m especially loving them since they didn’t start out so new or red. They were rather worn and rickety. Here they are fresh from the second hand store:
We tightened the loose screws, primed with Kilz primer, and painted with bright red paint. The larger, 2-seater was completed first. It still amazes me how a project can get done very quickly if you simply set your mind to it and start.
The second chair was just as easy. Sand, prime, paint. Brand new looking chairs in no time flat.
Our cost was just under $46 for both chairs including supplies. Jeff haggled and got the chairs and a matching ottoman (not shown) for $30 total. We spent nothing on sand paper and kilz primer as we had some already. Four cans of spray paint in True Red cost $15.50.
I don’t use spray paint much but chose it on the advice of the guy behind the paint counter. He said enamel will wear a lot better outdoors than latex. Primer is key…you’ll be sorry if you skip that step. My spray paint can said “primer & paint” but don’t believe that for a minute. Prime!
We’ll be watching for two more chairs to replace the gray plastic ones. Because these first two chairs don’t match perfectly, it won’t matter if the next two match.
Everyone needs a bright happy chair out their front window, don’t you think?