Family Update: Fall 2013

I’ve about two minutes before I need to be in the car to pick the oldest up from her writing class, the middle one up from his karate class and shuffle them over to fiddle and guitar lessons. I love Thursdays, though it is a bit of time in the car. On Thursdays we don’t have to do the teaching (we homeschool this year) and I have several completely free hours on Thursdays while baby naps. Pure bliss to do whatever I want.
Double up those free hours with it being a gorgeous fall day out and it is a doubly blissful day. We went out on a little outdoor jaunt a few days ago to take advantage of the weather so I thought I’d dump a few photos here for the grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Hi guys! Miss you! Come see us!
These were taken at Wildcat Lake in Banner Elk, NC which is near where we live. The trees are just starting to change. Soon we will be surrounded with red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet leaves. I can’t wait.
Hope you are having a great early fall!