A Peek into my Inventory Room

My neck will never be the same after spending all afternoon yesterday making 100 coin purses. I’m kidding. About the neck but not about the purses. 100 coin purses in one day was may more sewing than I really like to do, but we are kicking it into high gear to be ready for the fall shows. I thought you might like a peek into my storage closet to see all the inventory that I’m taking to the shows! It was a satisfying task to take these photos as it reminded me how well-prepared I will be. There is quite a bit more left to do. Many of these numbers will double, triple, and even quadruple by show-time, but I’m happy to say we are well on our way.
50 patterned coin purses,
50 solid coin purses,
over 500 tote bags,
150 stockings,
125 neutral hair flowers,
250 pillows,
100+ coffee sleeves (a new product this year),
500 scarves,
Whew! And that isn’t quite everything. I also am doing a few hats, kindle sleeves, garlands, etc. My main show is the Southern Christmas Show in Charlotte. And a few smaller local shows will fill up the other fall weekends.